A solid Bolt Carrier Group is a key component of your Ar15. Microbest produces top quality mil-spec BCGs for the military and other quality rifle manufacturers. This 5.56 / 223 BCG features a Nickel Boron exterior coating and is properly made, ready to run reliably in your rifle. These are individually HPT / MPI.
Mil Spec 8620 Carrier, Nickel Boron
- 8620 Quality Steel
- Full Auto M-16 cut
Mil-Spec Bolt , Nickel Boron
- Carpenter 158 Steel (c158)
- Shot Peened
- High Pressure Tested (HPT)
- Magnetic Particle Inspected (MPI)
- Sprinco Extractor and ejector springs, with sprinco insert and oring
Mil Spec Extractor – Nickel Boron
- 4140 Steel
- Extractor Spring by Sprinco
- Black Extractor Insert and Oring
Mil Spec Gas Key, Nickel Boron
- 4130 Steel
- Grade 8 Hardware
- OCKS gas key screws
- Properly Staked
4140 Steel Cam pin, Nickel boron
Firing Pin, retaining pin
Weight: 11.6oz