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Should You Use a Vertical Forward Grip for AR 15?

To AR-15 owners, modifying is one of the fun of having this versatile platform. Perhaps one of the most popular accessories is the vertical grip that adds more control, comfort, and functionality. Whether you are a competitive shooter, tactical trainer, or casual shooter, if you know what a vertical grip is going to do for you, then you can decide if you need one or not. In this article, we will discuss what a vertical grip is, what the advantages of a vertical grip are, which types are there, and how you will know which is right for your AR-15. 

What is Vertical Grip and Why Is It Important?

It is a firearm attachment mounted on the bottom of the handguard that gives a perpendicular surface for the shooter to grasp with his or her support hand. T

The entire purpose of vertical grips is for weapon control and agility, especially in fast-paced shooting. By providing a single point of contact, it takes the pressure off the wrist and arm muscles, which can lead to a better shot and decreased fatigue over time. This is why the vertical forward grip AR 15 builds are popular with tactical and competition shooters alike.

Benefits of Vertical Grip on an AR-15 What Do You Get With It?

  1. Improved Weapon Control.

They also allow the shooter to control the trajectory of the rifle with a consistent point of contact. This comes in handy, particularly in close-range or quick-fire situations, where a rapid change of target is key.

  1. Reduced Fatigue

Because it allows for a more natural wrist position, the forearm muscles don’t feel as stressed. This makes long shoots less painful and less likely to cause muscle damage.

  1. Enhanced Ergonomics

It gives you a better feel of the gun and makes it much more manageable. This is particularly convenient for those with small hands or who care more about comfort.

  1. Better Stability When Firing

The extra point of contact it provides keeps it more stable when you fire. That means better accuracy, particularly when firing quickly or continuously.

In Cases Where Vertical Grip is the Better Choice?

AR15 vertical grip isn’t always necessary, but it can be a game-changer in some circumstances:

  • Close Quarter Combat: In very fast-paced battles, it is great for quickly switching targets and holding on to a weapon.
  • Tactical Training: A lot of officers and military have these grips when practicing tactics so they can control weapons more effectively.
  • Shooting Games: When shooting games where time and accuracy matter, these grips ensure shooters keep up with the rest of the pack.
  • Sustained fire: When you’re shooting for a longer period of time, such as a range practice, it saves your arm and makes your arm feel better.

Types of Vertical AR-15 Grips & How To Choose?

Vertical Forward Grip

When choosing grips for your AR-15, know what styles are available. They each have different purposes.

  1. Traditional
  • Advantages: Longer grip with a maximum amount of control and stability.
  • Pros: Stiffer and a bit uncomfortable for a more minimalist shooter.
  1. Stubby 
  • Advantages: Small and lightweight, great for tight spaces.
  • Cons: Less surface area for gripping, so not for everyone.
  1. Angled 
  • Con: Can be used in a hybrid, so you get a more natural wrist angle. Great for those shooters who don’t like vertical grips being perpendicular.
  • Pros: Not as fast for quick target switching as vertical grips.
  1. Hybrid 
  • Pros: Combines vertical and angled grips for different shooting orientations.
  • Pros: Costs a bit more since it has 2 functions.

How to Properly Use a Vertical Grip 

To use it correctly, it takes practice:

  • Placement of Hand: Take the vertical fore grip strongly but not too strongly. Your support hand should always go inside the grip for maximum control.
  • Shooting Position: Add the grip to your shooting setup. Be sure to have your elbows bent slightly and your helping hand there to hold the rifle in place.
  • Don’t Rely On It Too Much: it adds control but doesn’t rely on it alone. Get disciplined with trigger and sight placement.
  • Keep Shooting: Do it a lot, keep working on the vertical grip, you’ll have muscle memory for it, and you’ll be comfortable shooting it.

Vertical Grips and AR-15 Laws: What You Need to Know.

But before putting a vertical grip on AR pistol, there are some important laws to know. In U.S. federal law, if an AR pistol is modified to have a vertical grip, the gun could be considered an “Any Other Weapon” (AOW) in accordance with the National Firearms Act (NFA). This means more paperwork and taxes.

These grips on rifles are typically allowed at the federal level (state and local regulations may vary). Research your state laws and speak to a lawyer if you have questions prior to mounting a vertical ar pistol grip or any other accessory.

Is Vertical Grip Always Required?

The AR 15 Vertical grip comes with some great benefits, but they’re not necessarily the right rifle part for everyone and everything. Some factors to consider include:

  • Personal Preference/Needs: A basic handguard grip or angled grip is great for some shooters who want a minimalist configuration.
  • Shooting Style: If you don’t shoot in dynamic/tactical scenarios very often, you may not need one.
  • Build purpose: it might be an unnecessary weight for light/minimal AR-15 builds. There’s also the angle grip, which gives you a lot of the same ergonomics without having the perpendicular look of a vertical grip.

This firearm accessory can make your AR-15 run smoother, fatigue less, and remain steady under a wide range of shooting conditions. You can go with a vertical forward grip for AR-15, or slim vertical grip, or even an angled grip, just be sure to tailor your decision to your needs and shooting preference.

When you know the differences in AR vertical grips, how to use them, and what the laws say, you are prepared. Browse the selection of vertical grips, such as AR15 vertical pistol grip or vertical AR grips, to choose the best part for your AR-15 build. Grip it correctly, and your AR-15 can be more than a gun, it’s a tool customized to your shooting habits.

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ALLEN GEARHART Engineer / Owner
Co-owner of Midstate Firearms since 2014. Manufacturer, Online distributor specializing in Ar15, parts, & accessories.
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